NMN supplementation has been found to improve various parameters of health, including physical endurance and muscle strength, neurological function, heart health, body weight, and gene expression.

What is NAD & How does it work?

NAD+, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a critical coenzyme found in every cell in your body, and it’s involved in hundreds of metabolic processes.

Studies have shown the coenzyme known as NAD slows the aging process, restores neurologic function, improves mental clarity and the body’s overall health.

The human body naturally produces NAD, but the body doesn’t have an endless supply of NAD+. In fact, it actually declines with age. The history of NAD+ research, and its recent establishment in the science community, has opened the floodgates for scientists to investigate maintaining NAD+ levels and getting more NAD+.

Who it helps & Benefits

NMN treatments can help individuals who are:

  • Interested in extending their lifespan
  • Interested in restoring neurological function
  • Seeking to restore muscle strength and function
  • Seeking to boost a weight-loss regimen
  • Seeking to reduce their fatigue and improve overall energy levels


The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen and glucose to generate the energy required for healthy function. Despite its small size, the brain consumes approximately 20% of the entire body’s oxygen supply. Given its energetic requirements, it should come as no surprise that researchers are increasingly making connections between brain and mitochondrial health (mitochondria are “power horse” organelles found in most cells and are responsible for cellular respiration and energy production).

In line with this idea, increasing NAD has been shown to improve mitochondrial function in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease and a fruit fly model of Parkinson’s disease.

NAD IV treatments can help maintain and protect mental clarity, focus, and protect against neurodegenerative diseases for a healthier and happier quality of life.

  • Improve brain regeneraton
  • Improve focus and concentraton
  • Boost mood
  • Improve memory
  • Improve brain health and neurological function
  • Improved mental clarity

Metabolic Function

One major role it plays within the body is oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions which are part of the metabolic system. These reactions convert food into the energy the body needs to function properly. Metabolism at the cellular level depends on NAD and the liver is one of many tissues that is sensitive to declining levels of NAD. Studies in mice have shown that increasing NAD can support healthy liver function, particularly when metabolically stressed by over-nutrition or alcohol overconsumption.

NMN treatments can help:

  • Increase energy levels
  • Decrease fatigue
  • Restore muscle function and athletic performance
  • Improve metabolism
  • Assist with weight loss

Too Many Nights of Partying?!

NAD is beneficial for those who are suffering the painful effects of too many nights of partying. NAD+ can be extremely effective in correcting the neurotransmitter imbalance caused by a sudden stop in the consumption of all kinds of “hard stuff”, which is usually responsible for symptoms like nausea, fatigue, cravings, and headaches.

NMN treatments can help:

  • Improve mood/depression
  • Improve mental clarity
  • Boost energy levels
  • Improve sleep
  • Reduce cravings


The body naturally produces NAD, but as the body ages, overall levels of this important coenzyme decrease and leads to the development of age-related conditions. NAD increases the activity of certain proteins, which have been linked with a slower rate of aging and influencing DNA repair.

NMN treatments can help:

  • Slow or reverse the aging process
  • Restore the appearance of the skin and reduce wrinkles
  • Improve brain health and neurological function
  • Improve mental clarity
  • Improve brain regeneration
  • Boost energy levels
  • Reduce overall fatigue
  • Restore muscle function and athletic performance
  • Prevent or correct damage to DNA

Muscle Recovery

NAD+ may also help improve muscle function and recovery as you age. One study found that depleted levels of NAD+ had a “dramatic” drop in muscle strength and endurance, implying that NAD+ is a critical component in muscle function and recovery.

Once NAD+ supplementation begins, precursors led to better- supported DNA repair and health of muscle tissue within the first week.

NAD+ is one of the most important factors in the human body for energy which helps our systems use food and exercise for strength and stamina.

NMN treatments can help:

  • Restore muscle function and athletic performance
  • Improve muscle recovery, damage, & pain
  • Increase energy levels